12 March 2009

Innovation: Materials and Design

By Arch. Karl Aries Emerson F. Cabilao

Cebu, known for its vibrant furniture industry, is consistently pushing the envelope for imaginative designs and the creative use of indigenous materials.
Who would think that a termite mound and barnacles would make beautiful furniture and home furnishings pieces? And you'd be surprised with the usefulness of loofah beyond the vicinity of a bathroom.
Even cassava and tobacco have joined this fascinating list of innovative use of materials.
And nothing really goes to waste for Cebu's manufacturers. Several materials, like waste-wood, which would have been destined towards the trash bin are given their so-called second lives.

The upcoming Cebu International Furniture and Furnishings Exhibition (Cebu X) will showcase more of these unique creations and original designs. The annual event will be held at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino in Cebu, Philippines on March 5-8, 2009.

visit cebuX.com

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